Caleb McMillan, a First Nations young man, first experienced Incite Arts program activities as a child at Acacia Hill School. Caleb’s favoured activity is dance and movement. He has a very strong home environment and is supported to attend every workshop opportunity. Caleb was part of the award-winning Close to Me performance in 2011 and reconnected with his love of the arts in 2019 with the Sounds Good to Me program.
Caleb, now a member of the stArts with D Ensemble, made powerful and thoughtful contributions to the Move Masters video works presented virtually as part of the Unbroken Land 2020/2021 program, which also formed part of the 2021 Unbroken Land Film Screening event. Recently, Caleb featured in three short films for ‘Strong Feelings’ a multi-arts exhibition held in 2023. The films were also exhibited by the National Portrait Gallery for ‘Portrait: 23 Identity’. ‘Strong Feelings’ was the winner of the Project category for the Northern Territory Arts Access Awards for 2023.